Any sports parent knows that the right food can make or break their player's performance! A hungry athlete is an energy-less athlete and it's impossible for them to play their best if their body doesn't have the fuel it needs in order to perform!
Rest, ice, compression, and elevation can help reduce the swelling and pain and help you heal faster.
The pitching motion is the most dynamic motion in sports. Youth pitching injuries have risen dramatically since the early 2000s. Learn how to help your child take care of his or her arm.
Swinging a bat can be dangerous.
If you’re not properly hydrated, your body will be unable to perform at its highest level, and you may experience fatigue, muscle cramps, dizziness or more serious symptoms.
Lightning is a serious matter when it comes to Little League. This poster explains the proper procedure when lightning is spotted.
This video provides important information to help protect your child.
Learn more about sports-related concussions