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Talking with Your Child

13 Steps to Being a Winning Parent

If you want your child to come out of their youth sports experience a winner (feeling good about themselves and having a healthy attitude towards sports), then they need your help! You are a vital and important part of the coach-athlete-parent team.

Helping Your Child Overcome Anxiety

Sometimes athletes are so afraid of making mistakes they freeze on the field and actually end up making mistakes they would never make otherwise. A little pressure is good, because it forces athletes to step up their game, but if you let the pressure get to your players it can suck the fun right out of the season!

Respecting Umpires

Too often there seems to be some tension between umpires and parents. It often seems to parents that the person officiating must be seeing a different game than they are. Here are some important things to remember before becoming vocal.

Talking After the Game

The vast majority of dads and moms that make rides home from games miserable for their children do so inadvertently. Here are some tips for talking with your child on the way home.

Getting Along with Umpires

Umpires are human, and this means they're going to make mistakes. How can coaches and parents best work with an umpire, given that he or she is likely at some point to blow a call (or rule against us) in the game? Here are nine great tips.

How to Address Bullying on Your Child's Team

If your children are dealing with bullying in sports, here are some things you can do to strengthen them and help bring an end to the situation.

Handling a Bullying Situation

You want to ensure that your child never gets mistreated or bullied. Here are some tips to educate yourself and empower your children to cope with and prevent negative behavior.

Talking with Your Child About the Game

It is important that parents proactively seek conversations about the Little League experience with their players. Here are some suggestions for how to engage your child in a conversation about sports.

Learning How to Lose with Integrity

Losing stinks. No matter if it was a total blowout or a really close game. Everyone loses, but no matter how many times you lose, it’s important that your child learns how to handle a loss with integrity and grace.